Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Each instance of the SAPConsole uses a group of settings, which is called a profile. A profile is identified by a unique name. A profile holds the information that determines the behavior of a running SAPConsole instance, that is, which R/3 System to connect to, for example.

The profile also includes the information on which I/O Engine a SAPConsole instance is to use.

The name of the profile to be used is passed on to the SAPConsole instance as command line parameter (for example, "sapconsole –p ").


This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

(Arrow sign = Name of the default profile)

Creating a new profile: You create a new profile by clicking on the main item with the right mouse button. If you confirm with the left mouse button you have the possibility to create a new profile. After you have created a profile, select Apply to save it.

Editing a profile: Select a profile, change its settings and select Apply to save it.

Selecting a profile: If you select one of the profiles from the profile tree, its settings are shown in the right half of the dialog box. The bottom right corner of the SAPConsole Administrator screen contains the name of the currently viewed/edited profile.

Clicking on a profile with the right mouse button gives you the following options:

      • Set As Default – Set the specific profile to be the default profile (double-clicking leads to the same result). If no profile is specified on the command line, the SAPConsole uses the settings of the default profile. The name of the default profile is always bold.
      • Clone- Copy the same configuration with the new profile name. The new name and a sequential number is automatically assigned. The configuration of the I/O Engine will not necessarily be copied (refer to the
      • Terminal Engine section).
      • Remove – Delete the current profile
      • Edit name – Rename the profile

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

Leaving content frame
(arrow sign =
Name of the chosen profile)